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Smart Cities

Integration of our Cakebox Smart Cities Solution provides the opportunity to transform disparate information and services available within your city into a powerful integrated real-time, accessible platform.
Multiple transportation schedules, services and notifications can be integrated providing improved journey planning, removing the guesswork out of commutes. Information about public entertainment venues can be integrated to raise awareness and assist with trip preplanning to avoid unnecessary delays. Our Smart City Solutions allows integration of your city’s Emergency services and Public Safety Announcements allowing users to access relevant safety information or report concerns. Residents and visitors to your city are provided a unique, centralized access to transportation, entertainment and emergency notifications and services. Promoting a more positive and secure living experience.

  • Text Hover
  • Text Hover
API Backbone for the City

Our versatile Middleware takes input from a broad range of devices and systems, on-premise and in the cloud. Our dashboard or data output options can then serve as single point of truth or as the engine for triggering actions on mobile apps, signage and city operations staff.

Technology & Data Sources:

  • Wireless / CMX / Ble / GPS – Data capture/ Location / Triggers
  • IoT Sensors- Co-ordinate fulfillment/logistics/operations (when to empty the trash or order more parts)
  • POS / CRM – Business and customer data
  • Cameras / Social Media / Cisco Spark – Communications and data capture.